Monthly Archives: December 2013

In The Hands


In His protective hand
I will be in bliss
For he keeps the roaring lion
Awaiting to gulp
And the serpent
Away from me

The deep love of
My protector
brings peace in mind
amidst the deep forest

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Filed under Religion

Give your love to the lord

God will love your broken heart, which humans may distressed with …


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Filed under Poems, Religion

Love of the Raven

A raven had built its nest near my home. Somewhere near the staircase to reach my home, not allowing anyone to cross the way. We and people reside the the next three row house find it really difficult to go home. A bird which can be shooed  away very easily becomes a nightmare for us. We all covered ourselves with big bags or boxes and run to escape it, sometimes even fell down getting hurt doubly. But, we could do nothing. It is so aggressive we could hardly think about fighting it, because it had an egg which hatched into a chick.

That day the raven made a big mistake by touching my baby. She just reached out to catch her ball that slipped out. Within seconds it stood on my baby’s head and made her scream out of fear. I hit it with something in my hand which throws him away. A heavy blow that it didn’t received so far from any of us. Perhaps it didn’t expected this. I took my baby inside. Thank God I have stopped it  pecking my baby’s head. It could have made a hole. She is not even a year old. But, it left the strong prints of its paws.

An irrevocable anger raged at my heart. “How dare it touched my baby. Today is the last day of its life. I will surely kill it” Was ooking for something that could help me. I strongly believed that it does not have the right to life as it hurts a poor innocent baby. I could hardly see that my toddler is a bigger living being for the raven. Papa just smiled, “It was afraid”. Me, “Afraid of a baby? She din’t even go close to it. I can’t see this anymore. What if it hurts her eye when we are not around?” . Had tears rolled down my check. Papa smiled again.

“It didn’t know our child as a baby. You child is precious for you and so for it too. It is doing it for its baby.” There was a sudden emptiness at my heart.  “It is doing it for its baby.” This started ringing in my mind. Am not forgive the bird for what it does, but I feel sorry for it. Is is really its chick, that it risks its life to protect.  It could be its own baby, which it could take into its flock and guide socializing. I have seen lots of crows continue parenting even after the chick are grown, be with them, guide them, help them find food and extend the parenting.

My raven may also get this opportunity of the extended parenting and be proud of its chick. Or it could just be a Cuckoo’s chick, which will fly away forgetting this raven parent. But nothing could mean that the love of this raven is lesser to any.


There are so many children who were left by the parent form whom they receive the gene, but received the love and parental care from someone else. A step-parent, adoptive parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt who pitch into the role of the parent. Who ever it may be it is always a decision of choice and not by change. There isn’t anything to force them except the love they identify in themselves.

Recently I read lots of thanks giving notes for these parents. Most of them reads to thank for the materials provided to them, a safer hame, education etc.,. But hardly about the love they had. What made them to do all to you (sometimes even risk their life like this raven) except for love. I understand the child’s longing  for the shower. Pampering is not everyone’s parenting style. Even with biological parents. Some show this by hugs and kisses and some only by taking care of the need. Remember the second type will closely watch for all your needs and to be at your side.

The children may not understand this and fly away when the phase is over, but that does not mean these parents love less. This year even if your children has forgotten you I wish you all a merry merry christmas and a happy New Year.

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Filed under Parenting

Dancing to the Thunder Drum

Cuddles up to flee the fear

of the sudden change engulfed in Mystery

hoss says the wild wind

blowing the trumpet loud and loud

Flashing lights and thunder bolts


Ho mom mom what is it?

Is it a monster rob our merry

Or the ghosts hunting around

Closing he eyes tight in fear

Around my neck in firm trust.


Opened the door to show the bliss

Of the rich nature show

The perfect scene

Tat tat the thunder bolt

pit pat Quench the earth

Chit chat in the window pane

made little winks in her sharp eyes


the chill breeze that heart long

chased away the Hot blown wind

That burned  the woods

the red red sky is covered with good grey cloud

The heaven bless with little sweet drops

sissss went the rain, hooo said the girl

Filling the place with Merry and Charm

My baby danced to the thunder drum

We fear the world until we face

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Filed under Poems