Tag Archives: happiness

A Loner

She is a loner

not by choice

Still A loner


She walks by the road

Smiling at face

at kids old couples and even pets

For a smile back


Birds of feather has moved away

The close nest has closed the door

as strangers and strangers smiled

with nothing at heart

She carried it all deep in heart


She  tilt her world

washed her dreams

run around from pillar to post

to keep the dreams of her little ones


Looking at you

not for a hand, just  a smile

For this loner too is like you

with wishes to live; a life


The sun has set leaving darker clouds

did ask for you to leave a light or the

mercury lamp you bought

She knew to pull the sun back in sky

much radiant

Just stop dumping trash in life


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Filed under Poems, Women

Cheer up


feel stuck in the hands of fate

Not knowing the way to escape our life

Just stop crying

over the passing clouds

At the end  life waits

with merry and joy

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Filed under General

Fall in Love

I fall in love

with the little feet

which kicked away

all my grief


I grew so mad

every single day

to kiss this feet

that fills with joy


the jingling anklets

music of my life

the rosy touch

is my blood of life


You grow so fact before I know

Now  the stumbling feet runs so fast

to catch the sun and moon for play


The rosy skin turns peach

the jingling bells are now

scatting wheels chasing

life to stay ahead


Still madly in love

with little feet

the life driving source

and ever happiness


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Filed under Parenting

my kids paying their life for my luxury

Recently read an article from Linkedin titled How I made sure all 12 of my kids could pay for college themselves. I read this for the title, believing that it talks about helping kids with limited resources. Contrary to this, I was shocked to see the author boosting about how he kept his children in iron fist.

Wait I am not a promoter of a child pampering life style, should have a single child, never allow them to do any work and more importantly throw money as if it is nothing. No that is not my point. But this is completely weird. I didn’t see anything he has stated as a parents’ role.

I do not know anything about a 4yr old cleaning the toilet in his region of the world, though many of the commenter has opposed,  I do not have a word over it. But I have other concerns.  As a child i have done washing and other household works and never regrets for it.

My own daughter is 5+ now and she does loves helping me with little little children work like arranging thing back after family meal time or run around the house picking up whatever small thing I need for my work. Sometimes she would do the most the mess believing to help me but in real only doubles my work.

I will never force my child to learn new recipes and double or triple it, but I am really not against kids doing work at home that they can do. What bothers me here was the statement that children will get allowances based on how they did the chores.  They are not service person to get paid for their work. The work is just to tell kids that  they are also a responsible members of the family.

And I would pay for this only with kisses and hugs. I will pay the bill for the necessary requirement as a parent. Yes I will pay for the necessity. And she cannot clean the dinner table or the toilet sparkling clean and get money from me to spend for rubbish.

Food, the most tragic thing I could see here. The author either made them eat something they dislike or  prefer starving. Children can have their preference in their dinning table. It is not that they always choose unhealthy food. It is not mandatory to force them eat what they dislike most first. By finishing it they could hardly try tasting other things. Am not surprised that these children as adults try all kind of food. They have carved for taste and are now enjoying it.  

The Author claims that non of the children had food allergy. I doubt that is it they do not have or he does not know.  When I was a child I had a strong dislike for tomatoes. I was not a food picker, but still. Mom was so kind that she does not press on me. Tomatoes are most inevitable ingredient in Tamizhl cuisine, still she avoids. She would do a special fish curry for me adding little of lemon juice.

If someone complains of this behavior, she will defend me. “Janani will manage with any food and however it tastes. She doesn’t mind even if their is too much salt or blend. Poor child she cannot take tomatoes alone.” Thats true, Mom is an awesome cook, but sometimes it goes wrong. I would not complaint a bit and finish my plate. She cannot see me starve and I cannot see her work again. We love each other so much.

Back to my dislike towards  tomatoes, I was diagnosed with an allergy towards tomatoes in me late teens. People find it crazy to find a food allergy in a grown up girl. Moms love saved me.

The most important of all is the education system they had. “All the kids were required to take every Advanced Placement class there was.” Not all children are  Einsteins. That is not required too. A good Parent will accept your child’s limitation and appreciate their special talents,  guide them in the right path which will take them up in the ladder and enjoy good economical position as others so called Einsteins.

Success is not about getting a degree form top institution or in million dollar job. It is in the quality of life. Happiness at heart.  The most important of all is to bring the children together as an extended family and support each other, which the author has failed to do.  The description in the heading photo says.

The Thompson family photo. Or Photoshop, since they haven’t all been in the same place since 1998.

Wasn’t there been a single Christmas in the last 16 yrs  that the children wanted  to come together so that their will be at least one family photo. I end this post with Samantha Yakobchuk’s comment over the article as she has hit the nail on the head.

I guess running a household like the military worked for this family. But I wouldn’t want it. Below the picture, it says that everyone hasn’t been together since 1998. I’d much rather pay out of pocket costs for my children’s education and see them all together every so often!

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Filed under Parenting

Give your love to the lord

God will love your broken heart, which humans may distressed with …


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Filed under Poems, Religion